The cyber arms race has led organizations to stock-pile security solutions to handle boutique attacks and unique exploits. Many organizations have been bogged down with an assortment of IT security solutions belonging to multiple vendors.

These solutions are not only not compatible with one another, but also look at different aspects of the network and even require the IT staff to log in to several different dashboard applications, just to manage all of them. The result is a weak network security framework that can’t protect the organization from sophisticated cyber attacks. And this is a recipe for disaster. As Lisa O’Conner, managing director of security at Accenture noted, “An average organization has between 30-50 security solutions. It’s crazy to install, manage and maintain so many solutions.”

At face value, the answer seems pretty obvious: Scrap all the different security solutions and start over with a single, unified security solution that can protect the entire network with a single, easy-to-use dashboard – reducing operational expenditures and complexity and future-proofing network security with a more proactive approach that addresses the entire threat continuum.

Easier said than done? Maybe not. Today might be the perfect time to simplify network security and invest in more proactive, intelligent solutions that take a comprehensive view of stopping attacks and breaches.

The good news is that the Cynet 360 advanced threat detection and response platform is exactly this – a holistic approach to protecting your organization, within a solution that meets all of your cyber security needs – and is ready and available for you to take full advantage of.