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Bitdefender EDR: What You Should Know

August 20, 2023
Last Updated: November 14, 2023
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What Is Bitdefender EDR (GravityZone)? 

GravityZone Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a cybersecurity solution developed by Bitdefender to protect enterprise networks from advanced threats. EDR offers real-time monitoring, analysis, and remediation capabilities that help organizations prevent, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks. 

Using machine learning algorithms, behavioral analysis, and threat intelligence, GravityZone EDR effectively identifies and mitigates risks, including ransomware, zero-day attacks, and advanced persistent threats.

This is part of a series of articles about endpoint security.

Looking for a powerful,
cost effective EDR solution?

Cynet is the Leading All-In-One Security Platform

  • Full-Featured EDR, EPP, and NGAV
  • Anti-Ransomware & Threat Hunting
  • 24/7 Managed Detection and Response

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GravityZone EDR Features

Key features and capabilities of GravityZone EDR include: 

  • Cross-point correlation: GravityZone EDR employs cross-point correlation to identify and analyze complex attack patterns across the entire network. By connecting the dots between various security events, this capability enables the system to recognize and mitigate advanced threats that might be overlooked by conventional security measures. This comprehensive approach helps protect organizations from advanced persistent threats (APTs), zero-day exploits, and other sophisticated attacks.
  • EDR agents: GravityZone EDR utilizes lightweight, cloud-based agents installed on endpoint devices such as workstations, servers, and mobile devices. These agents continuously monitor, analyze, and report on device activity, ensuring real-time protection against threats. By leveraging the power of the cloud, organizations can benefit from automatic updates, scalability, and reduced infrastructure costs.
  • Centralized control center: The GravityZone EDR control center provides a unified management interface for monitoring, analyzing, and responding to security events. Administrators can easily access detailed information on threats, vulnerabilities, and incidents, enabling them to take decisive action and maintain control over their organization’s security posture.
  • Advanced detection and response: GravityZone EDR combines machine learning algorithms, behavioral analysis, and threat intelligence to deliver advanced detection and response capabilities. This comprehensive approach helps organizations identify and mitigate potential risks proactively, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks and minimizing the impact of breaches.
  • Operational and security burden reduction: By automating routine tasks and providing actionable insights, GravityZone EDR helps organizations address the cybersecurity skills shortage. IT security teams can leverage the platform’s advanced capabilities to prioritize their efforts, focus on high-risk threats, and allocate resources more effectively. With its intuitive interface, comprehensive reporting, and automation capabilities, GravityZone EDR simplifies the process of managing an organization’s cybersecurity posture. IT security teams can spend less time on manual tasks, reduce the operational burden, and focus on strategic initiatives that drive business value.
  • Risk reduction: GravityZone EDR’s advanced detection capabilities, coupled with its cross-point correlation and cloud-based agents, contribute to a significant reduction in organizational risk. By identifying and addressing threats before they can cause damage, the solution minimizes the likelihood of costly security incidents.

How GravityZone XDR Improves Detection and Response

GravityZone Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is an advanced cybersecurity solution developed by Bitdefender that builds upon and enhances the capabilities of GravityZone EDR. It provides a holistic approach to threat detection, investigation, and response by integrating endpoint, network, and cloud security data with advanced analytics. XDR offers a broader view of the security landscape, allowing organizations to detect and respond to sophisticated attacks more effectively and efficiently.

GravityZone XDR improves endpoint detection and response by incorporating data from various sensors, including productivity applications sensors, XDR cloud sensors, identity sensors, and network sensors. These sensors provide valuable context, enabling the platform to correlate events across multiple security layers and deliver a more comprehensive understanding of threats.

By incorporating data from these sensors, GravityZone XDR can establish a more comprehensive view of an organization’s security landscape. This enhanced visibility allows the platform to identify complex attack patterns that might be missed by traditional security solutions. Additionally, by correlating data from multiple sources, GravityZone XDR can reduce false positives and improve the accuracy of threat detection.

Productivity Application Sensors

This sensor type monitors activity within productivity applications such as Microsoft Office 365, G Suite, and other collaboration tools. It collects and analyzes data related to user behavior, file access, sharing, and other interactions within these applications. By integrating this data into the XDR platform, organizations can identify and respond to security events originating from, or impacting, their cloud-based productivity tools.

Cloud Sensors

The XDR cloud sensor collects data from various cloud environments, including Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms. By aggregating information on network traffic, user activity, and resource usage across multiple cloud environments, this sensor enables GravityZone XDR to identify and respond to threats targeting cloud resources or propagating through cloud infrastructure.

Identity Sensors

The identity sensor monitors and analyzes user authentication and access events within an organization’s network. This includes data related to login attempts, password changes, and access to sensitive resources. By correlating this information with other security events, GravityZone XDR can detect and respond to attacks that exploit compromised credentials, unauthorized access, or other identity-related threats.

Looking for a powerful,
cost effective EDR solution?

Cynet is the Leading All-In-One Security Platform

  • Full-Featured EDR, EPP, and NGAV
  • Anti-Ransomware & Threat Hunting
  • 24/7 Managed Detection and Response

Achieved 100% detection in 2023

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Network Sensors

The network sensor captures and analyzes data related to network traffic, including metadata, flow data, and packet captures. This enables GravityZone XDR to detect and respond to threats propagating through the network, such as lateral movement, command and control (C2) communication, or data exfiltration.

Bitdefender EDR Challenges

While Bitdefender EDR is an effective solution for endpoint detection and response, organizations may face certain challenges when implementing and using the system. Some of the common challenges include:

  • Complexity of deployment and configuration: Implementing Bitdefender EDR in a large or complex IT environment may require a significant amount of time and effort for proper deployment and configuration. Organizations need to ensure that the solution is correctly integrated with their existing security infrastructure and that policies and rules are correctly set up to meet their specific requirements.
  • Learning curve: Bitdefender EDR provides a wide range of features and capabilities, and security teams may need time to familiarize themselves with the platform and its various functions. This learning curve could potentially slow down the adoption process and impact the effectiveness of the solution, especially in the early stages of deployment.
  • Integration with other security tools: While Bitdefender EDR is designed to integrate with other security products within the GravityZone suite and third-party security tools, the actual integration process may be complex and require additional effort. Ensuring that Bitdefender EDR works seamlessly with other security tools is critical for maintaining a unified security posture and effective incident response.
  • Skilled personnel: Implementing and managing an EDR solution like Bitdefender EDR requires skilled security personnel who are knowledgeable about endpoint security, threat detection, and incident response. Organizations may face challenges in finding, training, and retaining qualified personnel to manage their Bitdefender EDR deployment effectively.

Learn more in our detailed guide to Bitdefender security (coming soon)

Endpoint Security Management with Cynet

Cynet 360 is a holistic security solution that protects against threats to endpoint security and across your network. Cynet provides tools you can use to centrally manage endpoint security across the enterprise.

Cynet’s intelligent technologies can help you detect attacks by correlating information from endpoints, network analytics and behavioral analytics with almost no false positives.

With Cynet, you can proactively monitor entire internal environments, including endpoints, network, files, and hosts. This can help you reduce attack surfaces and the likelihood of multiple attacks.

Cynet 360 provides cutting edge EDR capabilities:

  • Advanced endpoint threat detection — full visibility and predicts how an attacker might operate, based on continuous monitoring of endpoints and behavioral analysis.
  • Investigation and validation — search and review historic or current incident data on endpoints, investigate threats, and validate alerts. This allows you to confirm the threat before responding to it, reducing dwell-time and performing faster remediation.
  • Rapid deployment and response — deploy across thousands of endpoints within two hours. You can then use it to perform automatic or manual remediation of threats on the endpoints, disrupt malicious activity and minimize damage caused by attacks.

Learn more about our EDR security capabilities.

In addition, Cynet 360 provides the following endpoint protection capabilities:

  • NGAV — providing automated prevention and termination of malware, exploits, Macros, LOLBins, and malicious scripts with machine learning based analysis.
  • User Behavioral Analytics (UBA) — detecting and preventing attacks using compromised credentials through the use of behavioral baselines and signatures.
  • Deception technology — planting fake credentials, files and connections to lure and trap attackers, mitigating damage and providing the opportunity to learn from attacker activity.
  • Monitoring and control — providing asset management, vulnerability assessments and application control with continuous monitoring and log collection.
  • Response orchestration — providing manual and automated remediation for files, users, hosts and networks customized with user-created scripts.

Learn more about the Cynet 360 security platform.

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